Steve Jobs Introduces Apple iTunes 5, iTunes Motorola ROKR Cingular Mobile Phone, Full Featured Solid State Mighty Tiny Color iPod nano

Steve takes the stage to introduce lots of new goodies for us to enjoy 10am 9.7.05
Steve: "Apple's "Leading the Digital Music Revolution. But at its core it's all about the music." He introduces Yo Yo Ma in the audience as "a really good friend of mine".
• 1/2 Billion songs sold and downloaded to date.iTunes Store
• 1.8 million songs sold each day.
• iTunes has 82% market share in the US.
• 80% share in UK
• in 20 countries
• 85% of the global music market
• 7 million subscriptions to date in 70 days• 15,000 listed in the Podcast Directory
• Growing at 1,000 per week
• 21 languages - Estonian, Finnish, Serbian & Thai
• 2 Million Songs in the iTunes Library
• 10 Million Accounts all with credit cards
• 60 songs purchased per account average
• One of the largest internet stores in the world perhaps only second to
New Exclusive Content
The Complete Harry Potter and Collector's iPod with the Hogwarts crest etched on the back for only $548 total.
All 15 of Modonna's albums are added. Steve does an iChat Video Chat with her in London and it's a riot to watch. She is so funny.
Then Steve shows the new iTunes 5
Download the FREE iTunes 5 here.
Download the FREE iTunes 5 here.
• Time Display same as iPod - Elapsed left end, Remaining right end
• Playlist Folders - combine playlists into folders
• Search Bar - easier to find tracks by file type
• "Videos" Isolator button for motion pictures
• "Booklets" Isolator button for PDF enclosures
• Microsoft Outlook for Windows Auto Synching Contacts and Calendars
• Smart Shuffle - choose frequency same artist and album tracks repeat
• Album Reviews - helps you learn what the albums are about
• Parental Controls - keeps kids from downloading explicit content

Then he does a great demo followed by the introduction of an iTunes Mobile Phone by Motorola. The "motoROKR" - pronounced "rocker" - Quad Band GSM, looks to have all the features of a comprehensive multimedia phone. Store up to 100 songs on it. It has stereo speakers, a camera that records photos and video plus Bluetooth and internet access. $249 from Cingular in USA. And Other country release info here. Steve likes to think of it as an iPod Shuffle in a cell phone.
Ron Garriques, President, Mobile Devices Motorola takes the stage. Talks about music being the #1 desire among cell phone users. How thrilled he is to be working with Apple engineers. Sneak preview of their new TV ad which features a lot of rock stars and especially Madonna taging "Hello Moto".
Cingular the exclusive US carrier. Ralph de la Vega, COO Cingular takes the stage. Entertainment, Computers, Communications Convergence is his passion. Makes the case for why Cingular with Apple & Motorola is the right combination. #1 wireless market share, only company in america with roll over minutes, largest digital voice and data market in America with over 51 million customers. Very long battery life.
He shows us the New Billboards, TV Ads including one en espanol, and a Magazine ad. Fun. In stores this weekend.
iPod Update
• 22 million sold to date, 6 million last quarter, compared to Sony Play Station Portable which only sold 2 million last quarter
• 74% market share as of july
• over 1K accessories for iPod
Automotive focus
• new iPod connectivity cars - Honda, Acura, Audi, Volkswagen
• Already have Mercedes, Nissan, Scion, Cooper mini, BMW connectivity
• in model year 2006 30% of all cars wold in the US will offer iPod connectivity as an option.
Focus on the iPod mini
World's Most Popular MP3 player.
Today Apple ENDS the mini era
Introducing the iPod nano
a solid state replacement with superior qualities.
World's Most Popular MP3 player.
Today Apple ENDS the mini era
Introducing the iPod nano
a solid state replacement with superior qualities.

80% smaller than the original iPod from 4 years ago. 62% smaller than the mini. one-third the size. 68% smaller than the iRiver. 69% smaller than the Zen Player. Zen Neon 58% smaller. Samsung 58 % smaller. Sony 67% smaller. 66% smaller than the smallest phone on the market.
"It's really small size," Steve emphasizes.
Dock size is the same as mini so existing universe of accessories still work with it. USB 2 fast transfers and charge system and 14 hour rechargeable battery life. White and Black models.

2 GB $199, 4 GB $249. Smaller and lighter than ever with no moving parts, 'cept for the click-wheel, and enhanced features. Sports a 1.5" color LCD display, weighs 1.5 ounces and measures 3.5"x1.6"x.27". Sweet.
Shipping NOW.
• Dock $29
• Lanyard Headphones $39
• Arm Bands, Red, Pink, White, Blue, Green $29 each
• NanoTubes, Red, Pink, White, Blue, Green $29 set of all 5
• Rolling out over the next 4 weeks.

Kanye West performs his #1 hit "Gold Digger" live.
Damn... That thing looks TINY compared to Jobs' head... YIKES!!!
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